Feb 27Liked by Spencer Brooks

I will be the dissenting voice here! I find flutes to be attractive, but I have a practical reason for my preference as well: as someone who wears glasses, if you serve me a carbonated drink in a wide glass, there are good odds that some bubbles will pop up onto my glasses and drive me nuts. This is especially the case with coupe glasses, which have a VERY wide mouth and are usually filled to the very rim (as you note, in a positive tone).

I don't know why people with glasses aren't constantly complaining about this. I put my hand over the top of my vessels while I drink by instinct now, to block the bubbles from forcing me to clean my glasses AGAIN.

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Oho! A strong rebuttal for the flute! I think you and I would get along well, Kim (when we aren't warring over glassware, that is). This is the kind of petty grievance that would keep me up at night.

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Love this one Spence. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Catherine

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Yes yes yes! You can also serve dessert in coupes. Useful, elegant, and versatile!

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(Although I confess I think martinis

are best in martini glasses.)

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Amen. Coupes rule.

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